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Bunny Cutting Tall Grass

Char-rabbit-brown Super Bunny cutting Tall grass to uncover a Health Juice pickup.

Tall Grass Saharaland

Wheat-shaped Tall grass in Super Saharaland.

Tall grass can be cut with the Melee weapon to potentially reveal items, such as Health Juice pickups, throwables or ammunition pickups. Whenever a pickup is revealed, a sound effect can be heard.

Currently there are two types of tall grass:

  • Tall green grass, usually found in the Forest biomes
  • Wheat-shaped tall yellow grass, normally appears in the Desert biomes

The total amount of grass tufts cut is one of the tracked statistics, that can be seen on the Your Stats menu.

Super Milestone Rewards

Main article: Super Milestones

Three melee weapon skins can be unlocked by reaching milestones of grass tufts cut. Template:Grass Cut Challenges
