Super Animal Royale Wiki
Super Animal Royale Wiki

Super Powerups are equippable pickups that grant abilities to Super Animals. A Super Animal can only have one equipped Super Powerup at a time.

Obtaining[ | ]

  • Floor loot includes Super Powerups.
  • Defeated Super Animals drop the Super Powerup that they had equipped.

Details[ | ]

Powerup Description

Claw Boots

- Automatically cuts Tallgrass-wheat Tall Grass.
- Increases Tallgrass-wheat Tall Grass loot drop rate by 2.5x.
- Prevents sliding on ice.
- Negates slower movement when walking in egg yolk and shallow water.

Banana Forker

“Just don’t let bananas rot in the skunk gas or they’ll turn into inedible mush.”

- Allows to consume Banana splat Banana Peels to recover 20 Health Points (even in downed state).
- Increased range for interacting with consumables, except for event health pickups.
- Doubles the amount of health recovered from eating Coconut Coconuts, Mushroom Mushrooms, Health Fruit Health Fruits.

Ninja Booties

“Be as quiet as a ninja with soft-padded paws.”

- Reduces noise from movement by 50% (including moving through the bushes).
- Increases movement speed by 5%.
- ModeIcon Bwoking Dead Prevents footstep trails from appearing.

Skunk Gas Snorkel

formerly known as

Skunk Gas Vial

- Increases movement speed within the Super Skunk Gas and Skunk bombUI Skunk Bombs gas by 25%.
- Reduces damage taken from Super Skunk Gas and Skunk bombUI Skunk Bombs gas by 10%.
- Prevents coughing while in Skunk bombUI Skunk Bomb's gas.


“Impress your dorm mates with your chugging skills.”

- Allows to heal 25% faster from drinking Healthjuice level 3 Health Juice.

S.A.W. Impossible Tape

“Armor's in high demand, be ready for otters to swipe it first.”

- The Icon Armor  Armor dropped from eliminated Super Animals will be repaired to 1 tick point in case it was completely broken.
- Repairing armor with Duct-Tape Super Tape is 15% faster.

Super Bandolier

“You can only carry extra stuff as long as you've got the bandolier.”

- Grants 10% faster reload on all weapons.
- Increases maximum carried amount of:

Super Juicer temporary removed from the game


- Increases maximum carried amount of Healthjuice level 3 Health Juice from 200 to 300.
- When fully healed, interacting with Coconut Coconuts, Mushroom Mushrooms, Health Fruit Health Fruits and event health pickups will convert them into 10 HP worth of Healthjuice level 3 Health Juice.

Patch History[ | ]


  • The Bandolier powerup now grants 10% faster reload speed in addition to its other effects.
  • The Attach-super-juicer Super Juicer powerup was removed (temporarily) as it did not fit Pixile's powerup philosophy.





  • Changed behavior of Attach-ninjashoes Ninja Booties, instead of reducing sound from just walking and removing any sound from creep-rolling, they now reduce noise from all player movement by 50% and increase movement speed by 5%.






  • Attach-Skunk-Gas-Vial Skunk Gas Vial no longer protects you from Gun poison dart Poison Dart Gun damage or deals poison melee damage, but instead now increases move speed in the super skunk gas and skunk bombs by 25%, and reduces their damage by 10%.


  • Attach-Skunk-Gas-Vial Skunk Gas Vial no longer prevents poison damage (considered too powerful against the Gun poison dart Poison Dart Gun). Instead, it will simply prevent poison death (maximum poison damage will bring you to 1 health, but not kill you).


  • Attach-Skunk-Gas-Vial Skunk Gas Vial now also provides poison immunity (from poison dart gun and others using the vial, but not from skunk bombs).


  • Introduction of Claw Boots, Banana Forker, Ninja Booties, Attach-Skunk-Gas-Vial Skunk Gas Vial, and Cupgrade.
  • Attach-Skunk-Gas-Vial Skunk Gas Vial at this time made melee attacks do 30 HP damage over 3 seconds.