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The Delivery Mole

Delivery Mole is responsible for delivering loot crates during the Animal Royale and ModeIcon Bwoking Dead The Bwoking Dead matches.

Details[ | ]

Mole Crate Tunnel

Delivery Mole leaving a trail of burrowed ground and a loot crate to open.

Delivery Mole will appear 2 times (ModeIcon Bwoking Dead 3 times) per match at random locations, and deliver a crate that holds high rarity loot (some of which is exclusive to the mole crate). When the mole arrives, all players are shown an on-screen notification and a marker on both the map and minimap. The mole will then burrow in a random direction for a few seconds, before leaving a crate.

ModeIcon SAW vs Rebellion Delivery Mole does not arrive in this mode, as it is replaced by a Giant Star-nosed Mole boss.

UnopenedCrate Mole crate[ | ]

Char-fox Super Fox opening the Mole Crate, revealing a Gun-silenced-pistol grey Silenced Pistol, 12 Ammo little bullets Little Bullets, Bodyarmor level 3  T3 Armor and 3x Grenade-new Grenades.

The Mole crate contains a set of 3 random items out of the list below. One of the randomly selected items is guaranteed to be a Icon Guns Gun or a Icon Throwables Throwable.

ModeIcon Bwoking Dead In this mode, the mole crate is guaranteed to drop 5 items from the loot pool.


3x Grenades

Healthjuice level 3

40 HP Health Juice

Bodyarmor level 3

T3 Armor

Gun deagle grey

+ 7 Ammo big bullets Big Bullets (optional)

Gun-silenced-pistol grey

Silenced Pistol
+ 12 Ammo little bullets Little Bullets (optional)

Gun jag7


Gun-m16 grey

+ 20 Ammo big bullets Big Bullets (optional)

Gun-sniper grey

+ 8 Ammo sniper Sniper Bullets (optional)

Gun crossbow default

Sparrow Launcher
+ 6 Ammo specialtyUI Specialty Ammo (optional)

Gun-minigun grey

+ 25 Ammo little bullets Little Bullets (optional)

Gun egglauncher grey

Big Clucking Gun
+ 6 Ammo specialtyUI Specialty Ammo (optional)

Hints[ | ]

  • When near an unopened mole crate, you can set a sneaky trap by throwing a BananaUI Banana at the bottom of the crate. If done correctly the Banana splat Banana Peel should be hidden. All you have to do now is hide nearby and wait for an unsuspecting victim to slip, allowing you to strike!
  • After the crate has been placed, the map/minimap markers (for the location where Mole initially arrived, not the crate's location) will disappear, so the player may need to remember its location or place a custom map marker if they wish to arrive late and follow the dirt tracks for a chance to find an untouched crate or some left-over loot.

Super Milestones[ | ]

Main article: Super Milestones

The following cosmetic items can be unlocked by reaching milestones of mole crates opened.

Crate Tee

Crate Tee
5 Mole Crates Opened


15 Mole Crates Opened
Yellow LockIcon

Gallery[ | ]

Patch History[ | ]


  • Mole Crate icon now displays for 45s, and the minimap icon no longer disappears when another player opens it.