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Добро пожаловать в Super Animal World! Мы рады вас тут видеть.

Добро пожаловать в Super Animal World! Это руководство предназначено для тех, кто только недавно начал играть в Super Animal Royale (SAR), и для тех, кто хочет узнать немного больше. Надеемся, что эта статья ответит на большую часть вопросов новичков по геймплею SAR. В этом руководстве рассказано о базовых принципах выживания и победы в режиме Звериной Битвы, об видах оружия, которые помогут привести вас к победе, и об основных советах и стратегиях, которые помогут улучшить геймплей.

Обязательно прочитайте Правила Игры перед тем, как начать играть!


В этой секции будет рассказано об основах игры в Super Animal Royale. Также здесь будут ссылки на статьи об игровом интерфейсе и об управлении.

Если вам нужна помощь, то вы можете обратиться в канал #🌱new-player-help на официальном Discord сервере SAR.


Чтобы переместить своего персонажа, используйте WASDПК PS4 Left StickPS XboxOne Left StickXbox/Switch Switch Left StickJoy-Con

Чтобы целиться, используйте Keyboard White Mouse NoneПК PS4 Right StickPS XboxOne Right StickXbox/Switch Switch Right StickJoy-Con. Чтобы стрелять или ударить оружием ближнего боя, нажмите Keyboard White Mouse LeftПК PS4 R2PS XboxOne RTXbox/Switch Switch ZRJoy-Con.


The Heads-Up Display (HUD) is a visual representation on your screen of important information. Getting familiar with the HUD is important, as it displays information relevant to your character and position within the world.

Супер Прыжки[]

Супер прыжок (или коротко просто прыжок) - это важный и универсальный способ передвижения в Super Animal Royale. Чтобы его сделать, используйте . Прыжки помогают игроку быстрее передвигаться по карте и уворачиваться от пуль других врагов. Идеальный супер прыжок происходит тогда, когда игрок совершает второй прыжок сразу после того, как первый прыжок закончился. Это даёт бонус ускорения в 10%. Во время идеального прыжка под игроком появляются искры. Освоение идеальных супер прыжком даёт большое преимущество в геймплее игрока и повышает его шансы на победу. К счастью, это не очень сложно и очень легко этому научиться. Рекомендуется тренировать супер прыжки в предыгровом лобби.

Карта и Добыча[]

Карта отображает полезную информацию, такую как ваша текущая позиция, текущий статус Супер Скунсового Газа и местоположение MoleКрота Доставщика. Чтобы открыть карту, нажмите MПК PS4 UpPS XboxOne UpXbox/Switch Switch UpJoy-Con.


Лобби позволяют игрокам сформировать команду для Дуэтов и Отрядов (и других режимов, в которых можно использовать отряд). Чтобы создать отряд, нажмите на значок + в главном меню. После этого будет создано лобби и вы сможете пригласить своих друзей. Подробнее в Лобби.


Косметические Предметы и Породы животных используются для изменения внешнего вида вашего персонажа. Кастомизация не приносит никакого игрового преимущества. Новички могут получить несколько бесплатных вещей при помощи общедоступных Кодов Купонов. Также с некоторым шансом Косметические Предметы выпадают за повышение Уровня.

Новые игроки также могут задуматься над приобретением Стартового Пака Сезона или Супер Издания, которые содержат в себе предметы для изменения внешнего вида. Сезонные Звериные Пропуска также включают в себя косметику за небольшую плату Currency S.A.W. Ticket Билетами S.A.W..

Породы животных можно разблокировать в Исследовательской Лаборатория в главном меню, где для разблокировки новых пород потребуются ДНК животных и Супер Сыворотку.

Супер Звериный Аккаунт[]

Супер Звериный Аккаунт позволяет вам синхронизировать свой прогресс между различными платформами. Вы можете пропустить создание Супер Звериного Аккаунта и создать его позже. Вы должны обязательно войти в ваш аккаунт, если вы планируете играть на разных платформах. Если вы создадите второй аккаунт на другой платформе, то объединить их не получится. Вам придётся связаться с разработчиками, чтобы удалить один из аккаунтов (и потерять на нём весь прогресс).

Важно: Currency S.A.W. Ticket Билеты S.A.W. не синхронизируются из-за ограничения платформ. Желательно выбирайте только одну платформу для приобретения Билетов S.A.W.. Совершённые покупки будут синхронизироваться.


There are myriad of weapon types available in the world of Super Animal Royale, all with each of their own function and playstyle. In general, it is recommended to have both a long-ranged weapon, for hitting animals further from the player, and a short-ranged weapon for dealing with threats such as Emu idle 000 Giant Emus and Icon Hamster Ball Hamster Balls, which due to their speed can quickly catch up with an unprepared player.

To get better with using the weapons, practice makes perfect. In the lobbies before games start, players can pick up and test guns in the Super Shooting Gallery. This is an excellent time to practice using these weapons and get used to how they feel. A beginner will likely want to loot weapons that are simpler to use such as the Gun-ak grey AK, Gun-smg grey ПП, or the Gun-shotgun grey Дробовик (and the direct upgrades to these weapons such as the Gun-m16 grey M16, Gun-thomas gun grey Автомат Томаса and the Gun jag7 JAG-7), and gradually get used to the other weapons, which may require more practice to understand.

In order to more easily understand the best suited usage of each weapon, it is important to know how each weapon performs inside and outside their effective range first. Therefore, the weapons can be categorized into four different types:

  • General Weapons are flexible to use inside and outside their intended effective range, among the easier weapon to pick up and use. This category includes Assault Rifles (AK, M16); SMG (SMG, Thomas Gun); and Minigun.
  • Technical Weapons distinctively pack more punch inside their effective range, but perform worse than General Weapons outside of it. This category includes Hand Cannons (Magnum, Deagle); and Handguns (Pistol, Dual Pistol, and Silenced Pistol).
  • Exclusive Weapons can quickly finish off the target in their effective range but can be a liability if used outside of it. Weapons in this category are among the harder weapons to use. This category includes Long Range Rifles (Hunting Rifle, Sniper); and Shotguns (Shotgun, Jag-7).
  • Special Weapons have extra perks or effects that set them apart with the rest, with a steeper learning curve. This category includes Dart guns (Dogna Dart Gun, Dogna Dartfly Gun); Sparrow (Bow & Sparrow, Sparrow Launcher); and BCG.

Aside than weapons, the game also includes a number of utility Throwables which are useful tools for setting traps:

  • Grenade-new Граната: Grenades explode when thrown at a location. It is important to note that grenades (and some other throwables) in Super Animal Royale have an element of three-dimensionality: they have a trajectory that will allow you to throw them over low walls or boxes. This trajectory is visible as a guideline. To put it simply, you should stand some distance away from a low wall if you mean to throw a grenade over it. If you are too close to the wall, it will simply bounce off. Grenades are useful tools to quickly eliminate an opponent who is in an enclosed space such as a house or narrow hallway. Even if the enemy dodges the grenade, it might deal some damage to them if they do not react quickly enough.
  • BananaUI Банан: Bananas are the best, the greatest, the granter of satiation for the Super Animals a throwable that slips Super Animals if they move over them. Bananas can be used to block off an area, but keep in mind that an explosion such as one from a Grenade-new Граната will quickly destroy Неизвестное Оружие Banana Peels on the ground. When paired with a Attach-banancharm Вилка для Бананов, Banana also doubles as a healing item that recovers 20 health, allowing the players to quickly replenish their health even while on the move.
  • Cat Mine Кот-Мина: Cat Mines explode 1 second after a Super Animal is in their detection radius. It is a good idea to become familiar with this radius. Cat Mines are visible as a faint red glow through walls, and have a loud beeping sound when you are close to them. By quickly hopping inside the radius, and then rolling out before it blows, Cat Mines can be safely defused. A good strategy to get kills with a Cat Mine is to plant them hidden behind a wall due to perspective, at an entrance to a popular location. A bot or unaware player will most likely dodge into the entrance, not knowing that a catty fate awaits them.
  • Skunk bombUI Скунсовая Бомба: Skunk Bombs allow for area denial for a period of time. Skunk Bombs are useful to block off a path behind you, to allow you to evade a chasing animal or to dissuade an animal from chasing you. Additionally, throwing a skunk bomb at the entrance when an opponent is in an enclosed space such as a hallway or small house can trap them in the space, allowing you to weaken them if they choose to dash through or to surprise them if they don't.

Assault Rifles[]

Assault rifles, such as the Gun-ak grey AK and the Gun-m16 grey M16, are arguably the most user-friendly weapons in the game. Anyone can pick them up from the ground and quickly make the most of them. With their decent fire-rate, good damage output, consistent spread, and flexible range effectiveness, Assault Rifles are well-rounded weapons that can be effectively used for spraying at distance.

ARs are a weapon best suited for deterring an enemy from engaging in a fight, rather than a weapon to actively fight an enemy with. When using Assault Rifles, it is advised to maintain a medium to long distance between the user and the enemy, keeping the user’s ground in a comfortable spot while keeping the enemies at bay. The ARs' magazine size along with their consistent spread allows them to perform very solid suppressing fire, which makes a good defence against reckless and overconfident enemies.

Submachine Guns[]

Submachine guns, such as Gun-smg grey ПП and Gun-thomas gun grey Автомат Томаса, are the close-range counterpart of the Assault Rifles, bearing the same ease of use, allowing for anyone to pick up and make the most of them quickly. What distinguish the Submachine Guns is their faster fire rate, and more controllable spray pattern, in exchange for higher damage dropoff and wider spread, thus making them a more viable weapon for spraying especially at closer range.

Submachine Guns shine in letting the user have more flexible mobility, and therefore they are weapons that are all-rounders in regards of the user’s positioning, movement, and dodging. They allow for the user to jump into close range combat and run away from it whenever they seem fit, and also make for a good supporting weapons, especially when paired with sluggish / slow weapons. Despite the damage drop-off, the wide weapon spread when spraying still makes them viable weapons for suppression fire to pierce armor at long range, since armor will take regular hits regardless of distance.

Hand Cannons[]

Gun-magnum grey Магнум and Gun deagle grey Deagle are technical tier ranged weapons, built to be more specifically used in medium to long range combat compared to the Assault Rifles. They are semi-automatic and lightweight revolvers that compensate for their lower fire-rate and mag size by packing more punch per shot, having higher mobility, and good armor piercing, allowing the player to take down a enemy with few well-aimed shots.

Hand Cannons are some of the most reliable duelist weapons. They are weapons that can still be powerful when used alone, without any other sidearm. Their high mobility, damage output, and versatility means that in the hands of very skilled players this weapon turns the user into a dangerous mobile threat, and can be used to pick their fights, engage in and finish it while taking minimal damage. Just make sure to keep some distance from your enemies, because these weapons are not as viable at close range.


Gun-pistol grey Пистолет, Dual Pistols Парные Пистолеты, and Gun-silenced-pistol grey Пистолет с Глушителем are weapons that have been designed to perform more optimally in close range combat, and can be compared to the Submachine Guns. While their high fire-rate is similar to the SMGs, handguns differ in their magazine size, slow bullet speed and high damage drop-off with better base damage, tight weapon spread, and generally much more reliable accuracy, while still maintaining ease of use.

Handguns are some of the most consistent and versatile weapons in terms of damage output. Fast fire rate, massive damage, high mobility and tight spread means these weapons will be able to wipe out an enemy quickly, while still having room for mistakes. Just like one can choose their fights with a Hand Cannon, one can simply run around a corner and finish an important target quickly and get out of the fight before anyone realizes what is happening. Being very flexible weapons means Handguns can be paired with any other long-range weapon and still be a viable choice.

Bear in mind that these weapons don't do well at long range (aside as harassment), or when facing groups of enemies. And try not to click too fast when using this weapon: nobody wants to have their gun “jamming” in the middle of the fight, would they?

Long-range Rifle[]

Compared to most other weapon categories in this list where the latter weapon is the direct upgrade to the former. The relation between Gun rifle grey-resources.assets-1277 Охотничье Ружьё and Gun-sniper grey Снайперская Винтовка are more of a sidegrade, because their statistic and performance differences also directly change how each weapon should be used to get the most of it. In this category, we will first explain the similarity of both weapons before individually delving into their differences and how those affects their optimal play style.

Both Hunting Rifle and Sniper are built specifically for long range engagement to deal massive damage with each shot. Their extremely high bullet speed and accuracy means every first shot delivered will always land exactly where the player is aiming, with little or no spread. Coming with the weapons also includes zooming feature, where players can increase their field of view by holding sneak button with this weapon held in hand, further increasing the weapon’s maximum range and making them able to see and shoot target even if they normally would be off-screen. And because of the need for precise shots, both weapons require high skill in order to use effectively.

Hunting Rifle[]

Aside from their sluggish movement speed, Gun rifle grey-resources.assets-1277 Охотничье Ружьё has exactly one shot per magazine, meaning that for every shot delivered, players need to reload in order to be able to shoot again. In exchange, the reload speed takes only 0.7 seconds, and Hunting Rifle has no weapon spread after each shot, allowing the players have their next shots to always be as precise as their first shot.

Due to their fast-firing speed and pinpoint accuracy, Hunting Rifle is meant to be used used as a main damage weapon rather than a support side weapon. This means players are best to hold their ground and use cover while having this weapon to constantly fire at the enemies, dealing massive damage in quick succession. In fact, switching weapons or making major movement will instead lower the damage output the player can give to the opponent, making them even more vulnerable than they already are. Therefore, using this weapon should be treated as a “glass cannon” weapon, where players can deliver massive damage quickly with it, but also render them immobile and an easy target.

Do not engage an enemy with this weapon without having any cover to protect the user, or within close range without prior advantage, as doing so would quickly put an end the user’s survival.


In contrast to Hunting Rifle, Gun-sniper grey Снайперская Винтовка has 5 bullets per magazine in their disposal, which means without needing to reload as often, the user are able to engage in a fight longer and have slightly more mobility. This comes with a drawback, however, as instead chaining multiple shots in a row leads to massive weapon spread. Without spacing the timing between each shoots, sniper users will not be able to even hit the broad side of the barn without relying on pure luck.

Most sniper users also equip a sidearm in tandem to cover the downtime of the sniper’s recoil, using snipers solely for starting a fight to break the opponents’ armor and/or to quickly finish off injured enemies trying to get away, as their massive damage can take down an almost full health down to 0. on the contrary, players can also accommodate the downtime by rolling around to dodge the enemies’ shots, as two consecutive super jump rolls are enough time spacing to reset the sniper’s recoil, returning it to its original pinpoint precision. Regardless, the quirk of the sniper means it is best used as a supporting damage dealer rather than main damaging weapon.

While sniper in this regard is more viable as close-range weapon than HR, it is still advised against engaging an enemy at close range without other weapons or without prior advantage.


Shotguns (namely Gun-shotgun grey Дробовик and Gun jag7 JAG-7 are weapons that is made specifically for close range encounter. Unlike most close-range weapon such as SMG and Pistol, Shotgun has slower fire-rate, 5 bullets per magazine, and massive damage drop-off. But this downside is made up by capability of dealing massive damage that comes in multiple pellets in each shot that spread wider the more they travel.

Shotgun is extremely valuable as a defensive weapon. Thanks to their massive damage output and wide pellet’s spread, not only this weapon can make a quick work on even level 3 armored enemies on close range, but they are also very lenient with the accuracy at medium range allowing them to hit mobile targets a lot easier. Thus, Shotgun is an excellent weapon to severely punish players for making mistakes and create openings for the user to attack.

However, Shotguns are often best used alongside a long-range weapon, such as Hand Cannon, Long-range rifle, or even Assault Rifle to compensate their terrible long-range effectiveness. It shouldn’t be reminded that one should never engage a long-range fight with a shotgun alone. What if one doesn’t heed this warning? Only one way to find out…

Sparrow Weapons[]

Just like the relation between Hunting Rifle and Sniper, Gun bow default Воробьиный Лук have distinctively different use than Gun crossbow default Воробьиный Арбалет thanks to the quirk and mechanic of both weapons being very varied, and therefore we will first discuss their similarity before following through with the difference in each weapon.

Both Sparrow Weapons have characteristics that is comparable to Hand Cannon: Low fire-rate between shots, but a great weapon as dangerous mobile threat. However, what set aside the Hand Cannon from Sparrow weapons are their lack of damage drop-off over distance and weapon spread, their ability to deal damage through armor, and most importantly, their sparrow tagging capability, leaving the victim’s position revealed for a couple of seconds.

Bow and Sparrow[]

Gun bow default Воробьиный Лук is one of two weapons in Super Animal Royale that has inverted firing mechanism. That is, the player is required to hold the fire button to charge the bow, and release it to shoot the projectile. This inverted firing mechanism alone makes bow and sparrow a weapon with the steepest learning curve, requiring very precise timing between rolling, charging and shooting to make the most of the weapon’s capabilities. In return, bow doesn’t require reloading like any other weapons, meaning it can be used to engage an enemy for really long time without needing to fall back due to downtime.

Bow and Sparrow are the ultimate weapon for dueling. In exchange for being much harder to use, it gives the user much more consistency in terms of accuracy and damage output compared to Hand Cannon. Not only that, the tagging mechanism and the lack of downtime means this weapon is a high risk, high reward weapon that puts extra edge on players that plays aggressively. It is without a doubt the reason why this weapon is the most preferred among the most competent players in Super Animal Royale.

Sparrow Launcher[]

Compared to Bow and Sparrow, Gun crossbow default Воробьиный Арбалет does not have inverted firing mechanism, and have magazine capacity of 5, making it more similar in nature to Hand Cannon, both in play style and learning curve. However, it retains its tagging capability, has no weapon spread, and also has less magazine capacity than Hand Cannon, which means it’s a slightly harder but more consistent weapon to use than Hand Cannon without the extreme steep learning curve like Bow and Sparrow.

Since the weapon has reloading downtime, this weapon is much less well suited for aggressive play. Instead, their much longer tagging time makes them a good balance of offense and defense, especially as suppressing and intel gathering weapon. This weapon is an excellent supporting tool for assisting the player with decision making when it comes to approaching a fight thanks to their long duration tagging, making them a great support weapon to aid the user’s side weapon without making a big sacrifice of a weapon slot.

Dart Guns[]

Dart guns fulfill an interesting role in the game as a weapon that’s also designed for assists and team supports. Dart Guns can be fired at an injured teammates to heal them, gradually replenishing their HP to max with just four shots. At the same time, Dart gun can be shot at enemies to poison them, dealing gradual damage that ignores armor for few seconds.

Being weapon for support, it can be utilized greatly to aid teammates in need. Getting them to recover quickly is by itself a powerful feature, especially amid the heat of the battle, which can often times make or break one’s survival in the match. After all, nothing makes a better method of advancing than the ones that require little downtime.

Aside from being a good support weapon to heal teammates in need, the ability for dart guns to deal true damage through armor makes dart gun one of the most feared weapon when utilized correctly. Well placed shots are enough to send the opponents scurrying away, if not killing them already, which will give the player a massive breathing room. And most importantly, any opponents taken down this way will drop their armor intact. Allowing the player to snatch it for instant protection without needing to fix the armor first.

Be careful though, because the slow projectile speed and time to kill can easily caught its user off guard and throw their aim easily.



Pre-aiming is an important aspect of being able to hit opponents. Pre-aiming involves having mental knowledge of where your enemy is, and positioning your cursor where you expect them to appear on your screen. Pre-aiming allows you to act quicker and shoot your opponent before they can react, as your cursor will already be where the enemy is.


In a battle royale game like Super Animal Royale, third-partying can be an effective strategy to win. This involves baiting two enemies into attacking each other, then fighting the weakened opponents.


A drink-off occurs when the final Super Skunk Gas ring is closing, and the opponents have difficulty reaching each other. The two players must drink Health Juice as quickly as possible, to ensure that the opponent runs out of health first. To do this, a powerup like Attach-enchancedjuice Обновление Кружки or Attach-poisonvial Трубка для Скунсового Газа is useful, and may make or break a win.

Although a drink-off is sometimes necessary, it might be possible to surprise an opponent who is attempting to drink you off if you can reach them. This is possible to do if you have a Attach-poisonvial Трубка для Скунсового Газа or have utility throwables.

Dodging shots[]

It is important that while attacking an enemy you are also dodging the shots that they shoot at you. Shooting a few rounds, rolling, then shooting again, preferably without losing the perfect roll combo, is a good way to dodge shots while attacking an enemy. This is especially important for weapons like the Gun bow default Воробьиный Лук.

Avoiding combat[]

It may be a good idea to avoid combat if you wish to win. Combat can sap your resources and leave you vulnerable while you recover. Sometimes, it's wiser to be quiet, and stick to the edges of the Circle of Life, especially late-game where enemies are likely to have stronger weapons that can quickly break your armor. Similarly, if you have worse weapons, it's probably better to third-party a player with good weapons and let other players fight them, then grab their loot when they die.


A new player shouldn't fear losing their first couple of rounds. In a battle royale game, even the most experienced of players will still lose the majority of their games. Joining a new match only takes two to three minutes at most, so losing doesn't really set you back - after all, rounds are short in Super Animal Royale. Practicing by playing and learning from your mistakes is a great way to improve.


A hot drop is dropping from the Giant Eagle into a popular location with many other players. Hot-dropping may be a useful way to improve, by immediately placing you into a stressful combat situation. By doing a hot drop, you can practice evading shots, and escaping or dealing with a combat situation involving many players. However, a hot drop is not recommended if you wish to try to win the round, and is only advisable as practice.

Player count[]

As a new player, you might have difficulties playing against other, more experienced players. That's alright - to practice against a lobby of bots, change through the servers until you find a lobby that has a lower player count at the current time. You can see the amount of players in the top right corner in the lobby at around 20 seconds before the round starts (at 15 seconds, bots populate the lobby, obscuring the player count).


  • Never disrespect the opponent's line of sight! One of the more common mistakes that even good players tend to make is ignoring the opponent's line of sight, blindly believing that their bodies can tank the bullets. However, without armor, a player can only take on average between two to four shots before dying, and even then, armor will only allow additional one to three shots to tank. Always try to maintain self-preservation when engaging a fight, avoiding as much of exposure as possible, and consider the direction which your opponent will shoot.
  • Avoid engaging in a fight without armor if possible! On top of adding extra hit points to the player, an armor will always take priority of taking damage from most weapons (except weapons that ignore / penetrate armors). This means, as long as there are armor points left equipped, the players can survive even shots that would otherwise be lethal. Try to always have at least one point of armor before every fight.
  • Learn weapon weights! Every weapon has a specific weight, which can impact your overall mobility by quite a bit. If you're trying to run away from a fight or you're not in a fight, your best bet will be your melee to get the slight edge over your opponent.